Saturday, 30 June 2007


hey people,
to celebrate the returning of myself to malaysia in a week and the leaving of daniel back to singapore (YES!!)...(just joking, dan...chill), i've got a song for you guys. as you would've known, we had playlist dug-outs before our blog had a "break". unfortunately, we won't have these (sad...have a cry)...but i'll still keep you up-to-date with some good music for your pleasure and peace. : )


btw: is lilian too still going on about feng shui? just a question out of curiosity. i thought she might've been bankrupt by now...
look forward to seeing you guys!

Wednesday, 27 June 2007



guess wut? she's sooo lame that the amount of votes she got is more than the amount of votes the others got altogether.. [meaning that, if u plus Ailin's, Candice's, Amelia's and Hwee Wen'ss votes together... it is still less than what Crystal got!] lemme show you..

so if u can see... crystal got 39 votes.. the rest are 17+9+2+6= 34.. wow.. amazing la Crystal..

So, she really deserve this.. Her prize is..... fame. Congrats! You have fame!! You won fame! it feels so great, doesnt it?

To the runner-ups**, Ailin and candice, you guys get nothing.

Amelia and Hwee Wen lost pathetically in a competition that isn't grand. so to Amelia and Hwee Wen, you're the real Winners because you both are the coolest among the lamest.

The Jus-Dan-Jer Blog Connection™
would like to congratulate

Crystal John

Your Miss Lame 2007!

*Miss Lame's task is to ensure that the Lame People will always be lame and ensure their security, peace and progress in the season of 2007-2008 until a new Miss Lame is appointed.

**in any case that Crystal has any difficulties of performing her task, the runner-up will take her place. but, that is most unlikely bcos the judges [jus-dan-jer] would not strip her off her title even if she was in a coma.

Tuesday, 26 June 2007



Sunday, 24 June 2007

Crazy Convo!

Daniel in the damn freaking house ya'll. ok, so anyway... Justin was er really weird and he kinda made me feel like a complete bapok when he ... ahh just see for urself.. CrazyConvo!

Justin says:
guess who's birthday it is today??!!

Justin says:

Daniel says:
marykate and ashley

JustinC says:

Daniel says:

Daniel says:
i know.. dont tell me

JustinC says:

JustinC says:

JustinC says:

JustinC says:

JustinC says:

Daniel says:
beyonce's sister

Daniel says:
u know im right

JustinC says:

JustinC says:

JustinC says:
one more chance

Daniel says:

JustinC says:
if you get it wrong...i dont know what to do lah

Daniel says:
isit a celebrity or a fren?

JustinC says:
i cant say

Daniel says:
cos i get this impression that ur talking abt a celeb

JustinC says:
i'd give it away

Daniel says:

JustinC says:
it could be anyone

JustinC says:

JustinC says:

Daniel says:

JustinC says:
hurry up

JustinC says:
you're destroying the mood

Daniel says:

JustinC says:

Daniel says:
im blur today

JustinC says:

woke up early

JustinC says:
it's so IN-YOUR-FACE

JustinC says:
splat in your face

Daniel says:

JustinC says:

JustinC says:

JustinC says:

Daniel says:

Daniel says:

JustinC says:

Daniel says:

Daniel says:

Daniel says:

Daniel says:

JustinC says:

JustinC says:

JustinC says:
it's ANYONE!!!

JustinC says:
it could be anyone

JustinC says:
so it IS anyone!!

JustinC says:
ANYONE's birthday is today!!

JustinC says:

JustinC says:

Daniel says:

Daniel says:
oh kayyy

so there u have it... justin being really lame...

Saturday, 23 June 2007


long time since i posted...

dont mean to steal Justin's rights to post tripod but i cant help it.. i need to post this
.. the key is not to see the video..its to listen to the blinking lyrics

pls type 'tripod skithouse' or 'tripod sideshow' in youtube! plss...

p/s Polll endinggg soonn

Justin's "good-stuff-to-watch-on-youtube-in-your-free-time"

hey guys...just keeping this blog up to date:

here's some interesting and funny stuff to type into the search engine on youtube (in no particular order):

1) Tripod - a funny aussie trio that sing their own composed songs about funny and random things. they have good voices and sing their made-up songs really properly and professionally. they are often part of comedy festivals in australia and other parts of the world. originally in an aussie tv show "skithouse" and now in "Sideshow"

2) Umbilical brothers - two aussie blokes working their magic as they create sounds and make jokes. they are famous for their ability to create sounds organically with their mouths from voice impersonations to things like velcro stripping. they can also act out stuff really well. they, too are part of comedy festivals around australia as well as oveseas. also in "sideshow".

3) Battle at Kruger - amazing footage taken by people visiting kruger national park. first a her of buffalo move towards a pride of lions. then, the lions strike and single out a baby calf. a lioness pounces on the baby calf and they are both sent flying into a nearby waterhole. the rest of the lions come down to help drag the calf out the water. then, as they work together, a crocodile comes and holds on to the calf, dragging it back into the water. the lions eventually become victorious. however, the buffaloes are back...and in huge numbers. how does the calf survive the ordeal?? it involves a lion being flung into the air...

Tuesday, 19 June 2007


For : Don and Giselle. Enjoy. :)
(Please take note that the following is untrue and is not a rouse to cause any harm, insult, injury or false pretense rumour to cause danger and havoc in the peaceful and wonderful world that we live in, called Mother Earth. This is simply a fun joke made to liven up spirits, get smiles, and if not, to make you laugh. Therefore, please acknowledge that this is a happy, fun, fuzzy-warm-feeling thing, and not a sad, unfun, spiky-cold-arse thing. Thank you for your time.)

     Kids around the world are now being told to be aware and conscious by country leaders in their respective countries.
     There is now a virus on the lose, or rather, a disease whose cause is not known yet. Scientists have not worked out if this new disease is spread by virus or bacteria.
     Professor H.K This-knee-lend, who works at NESA in the US, reported, "We do not know of the mainspring of this malady, but we have gathered its effects and harmfulness. We have yet to come with a scientific name of the disease as we do not know the virus or bacteria yet, but we have now labelled it Clothimuncjitis".
     From the observance of the 10 victims affected in countries Cambodia and and Laos, medical scientists in the National Observatory in Tokyo Japan say that Clothimuncjitis attacks the bodies of weaker people, as diseases usually do.
     Hairobi Takazakaniwahaji, a medical professor at the Observatory, said, "It is very unfortunate of the coming of this disease. It's almost like having SARS again...only that it does not kill. Clothimuncjitis (known as Hachinawakuska in Japan), attacks bodies of people who are affected by the problem we know as anorexia."
      Studies and research say that the disease is contractable from the air, but are only attracted to anorexic bodies. Like magnets, which attract at opposite poles, this disease, which molecules are said to be fat, are attracted to weak, skinny bodies.
     Dr. Ng, a General Practitioner in a Malaysian clinic in the streets of Kuala Lumpur, said, "What happens, is that this disease enters the body of the victim (this was followed by a "la"). Then (followed by an "ah"), this disease makes an exothermic reaction with haemoglobins, the catalysts. This creates an awkward result.
     It is said and has been publicly announced by African president, Alooba Mohai, that this disease is a real threat in his country because of poverty and starvation. The United States of America and European countries are collaborating with MTV and famous artists to conduct a few more concerts to raise some money to help. Bill Gates, American gazillionaire and entrepenuer, is donating half his fortune to help this cause.
      A psychologist and biological scientist from Kazakhstan, Borat Fleinszguard, had been kind enough to release information on the effects of Clothimuncjitis (known as Borat in Kazakhstan).
      Apparently, the victim of the disease cannot be "naked under their clothes". This, in a non-scientific term, means that victims of Clothimuncjitis have their privates constantly covered by clothes. No matter how many or how much clothes you take off your body, you will always have clothes underneath.
      This has caused many concerns among the public. Diego Bobinho, 37, from Sao Paolo, Brazil, said "Now, how am I going to take showers now, eh? I need to wash them bits so I can smell nice when I play with my football (known as soccer in America and Australia)".
     A man from Kazakhstan, Borat Aszgash said, "No more sex-time (pronounced saa-ksi-ty-m) for me...". He broke into tears.
     Kids around the world are being told to eat and even encouraged to go beyond obesity to avoid Clothimuncjitis, until a cure is found by scientists around the world, who are currently working together to find a remedy to this disastrous epidemic.
     Dr. Ng, the Malaysian GP, said, "Yes, this is a very bad epidermic". Our journalist reports that it is sad to know that Dr. Ng does not know the difference between "epidemic" and "epidermic", and that "epidermic", according to the Concise Oxford Electronic English Dictionary, means "the surface epithelium of the skin of an animal, overlying the dermis".

By: Justin Choong
extracted from: The National Times.

Saturday, 16 June 2007


from the famous words of mad madonna- "music...makes the people...come together"...and so...with the discovery of something new(for me), i'd like to start a new kind of dug-out...just that it's not called dug-out. so, yea.

the song i have for you is from hearing it from my bro's's an awesome song and i present you:


yoyo.. Dan's in the house! ok, hello people. long time.. i will be posting more games at the bottom and i might even bring it to the top of the blog so that its easier to play without having to go all the way to the bottom!

just watch out for more games and hopefully u'll like it like i did!

p/s, while u are free, check out my new blog :D

DEAR JUSTIN you guys doing??!! my hols start in like, 2 weeks...i'll see you then. just to let you guys know...DEAR JUSTIN is open again. for months it has been filthed with trash about viagra...and non-asking-for-advice-kind-of-things. So, it has now been open again. HOWEVER, problems will be randomly selected...depending on how interesting or how genuine they justin is not always here or everywhere to solve people's matter how good he is...I am...

so... start writing in!

oh, and i was watching a aussie television show, "Side Show"...which is like a television show where they get like the "well-known" people from other countries and around australia to perform their stuff. well, they have a reuglar- "tripod"...which i'd like to share with you...they're a group that sings funny stuff....but they do their own songs as well...this is one of them-

Tripod-Gonna Make You Happy

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Miss Lame 2007 : You Decide!

Ok, well... i didn't want to do this. but jeremy wanted to and i couldn't let him steal credit for something i created :D:D yes, i am evil like that.. mwhahah

ok anyway. Last year, Crystal was awarded the crown of Miss Lame 2006. Her reign cannot last for so long. She has to now go against more contestants to defend her title as..... *drum roll*

*MISS LAME 2007*
the contestant were chosen by random thoughts as your name popped out in my head when 'lame' appeared! so, be honoured! be pleased! be satisfied! you all are already winners!
[ok, fine... jeremy gave me the names. kill him not me..]
the contestants ARE :
Miss Lame 2006, Crystal John
Runner-up 2006, Leaw Ai Lin
Ah Peko, Candice "Wee" Toh
er, Hwee Wen
i-dono-how-to-spell-angel, Amelia Neoh
good luck to all. the poll will run for 1 month.. cos im lazy..

Tuesday, 12 June 2007


700 views. 52 votes, from over 2 different countries. 5, 000 visitors. And now, your votes have been casted, and YOU have decided, "Which section will be removed!" *American Idol Music*

Ok. The Online Chat Box, noone voted for you. So obviously you're staying for a long time. You may have a..never mind, it stays on the blog.

The Game at the Bottom, you have 6 votes. You will also continue to serve our blog in hardships and happiness, in joy and in sorrow, for better or worse, rainy or sunny, dead blog or lively bog, you're not leaving.

And the runner up is, THE SINFEST COMICS with 21 VOTES.

Which means, the Welcome Message leaves us for good tonight(its night time now as i'm posting). I'm sorry but out visitors have voted 25 times for you to be deleted from our blog.

So, remember to vote in the upcoming poll made by The Amazing Daniel! So remember, your vote counts!

Sorry, I'm not feeling myself today. And was ordered to update the blog. Well, not 'ordered'. I was told to do so. And i haven't posted this month. So I'll post CaH soon. Look out!

Sunday, 10 June 2007

Duke of Edinburgh Award

hey guys,
three weeks ago, i joined a program known as the Duke of Edinburgh Award. my school encourages it and so do other schools around here. i'm showing it to you because i think it would be something cool for you to join and it'd be pretty beneficial.

What is the Award?
The award is a programme of activities for you to do in your spare time. There are three Awards to try for: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Gold takes the longest to do and is the hardest one to try for - usually, people start off on the Bronze award.
You simply have to choose one activity under each of these headings, and do it for a set length of time:
Service: Be a local hero - help the community, the environment or even train to save a life...
Skills: Do something different, whether you fancy yourself as a fine artist or a trapeze artist, we’ve got something that will suit you...
Physical Recreation: Could you be the next Beckham? Or Anna Kournikova? Virtually any sport, dance or fitness activity can count...
Expedition: Go on an expedition and find yourself. Train, plan and complete an adventurous journey in the countryside on foot, horseback, boat or cycle...
Residential Project: Work as a team on a conservation, service or activity-based project for five days (this is for Gold Award Participants only).
It's fun, challenging and different... so go on, take the challenge!

For more info... visit:
contact your local Duke of Edinburgh centre today!!


watched bowfinger starring ol' steve martin and eddie murphy last night. just wanted to share this last scene from the movie with you guys. enjoy!

Monday, 4 June 2007

hi there!

hey guys,
with supervision of my room-mate, who wants not to be named, i present these videos of me playing with my ball and being an "monkeyarsechickenpie", quoting my roommate.

enjoy! ~confessions of the life of a chinese boarder~

Sunday, 3 June 2007

Daniel's Performance with Caleb Ting

yo guys... about last week or so, i performed with my friend "Collide" and "whereverYouWillGo" together and it was remixed together - acoustic style! SO WE NAMED IT "I'll Go Where You And I Collide"

This is how it went [and there's like some shit at the top because i had to edit it with some trial version editor]

ok...will put this together with the Talentime Videos!